10 LinkedIn Poll Ideas

LinkedIn polls are a great way for any LinkedIn user to ask questions and hear the opinions of other LinkedIn users. What makes LinkedIn polls different from polls on other social media platforms is when creating a poll you can target particular connections or post it to specific LinkedIn groups that you are a member of. This is good for business because you can learn about the audience you are directing your poll to, what they like, and what they do not like. 

Creating a LinkedIn poll is as simple as creating any other post on LinkedIn. 

  1. On your LinkedIn home page, click “start a post”

  2. Click “create poll”

  3. Type in your question, add 2 to 4 answer options as answers 

  4. Select your poll duration

  5. Click “post”

Once somebody votes on your poll, they will also be able to view the results of the poll. The poll will update with each vote until the poll expires and will show the final results. 

When creating a poll, make sure to think of what you want to get out of the poll before asking your question. LinkedIn polls do not always have to be used for market research purposes. You can create fun polls to boost account engagement and grow your page. If you ask an exciting question, people may even comment to elaborate on their response. 

We encourage you to try using the LinkedIn poll feature. If you don’t know where to start or need some poll inspiration, we got you covered! Below is a list of strategic poll question ideas that you can start asking on your LinkedIn page today. 

  1. What are you most interested in hearing about from [me/us]?

  2. What content do you prefer on [media channel]? 

  3. What are you most excited about this year?

  4. How did you hear about us?

  5. If you could have any superpower which would you have?

  6. Why do you use LinkedIn?

  7. What is your perfect work environment?

  8. What features of [name of your product] do you like the most?

  9. What is your opinion on [emerging technology, for example, AI]? 

  10. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

    — Giavanna Schifando, MFBS Intern


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