Instagram Notes: A New Way To Post

Instagram app on a phone screen

Remember when Instagram was only about posting pictures? You'd scroll the chronological feed and like or comment on photos from that day or since the last time you logged on. These days it seems that with every update, Instagram rolls out a new algorithm change or a new feature. The latest update introduced us to Instagram Notes. 

These 60-character digital post-its provide an easy way to connect and share news or thoughts with a select group of people at the top of your DM inbox. Once posted, friends can view and reply to your Note. They are a fun, simple, and efficient way to start a conversation or simply share information for that day. You can only post one Note at a time, so make it something good! 

Ready to create your own Instagram Notes?                                              

  1. Go to your Instagram home page. 

  2. Press your direct message tab in the top right corner.

  3. Press the plus sign next to your profile picture and type away.

Once you're ready to share the Note, you can customize your views to certain people or all of your followers. After it is published, it can be viewed in the direct messages tab on Instagram. It's as easy as that! 

Keep Instagram notes short and sweet! What is special about the day? Are you having a sale or promotion? What are your hours for that day? Do you have an upcoming event? Did you just launch a new product or service? Did you just publish a new blog post you want followers to read? 

Write a quick message to your followers: “New blog is up, link in bio!” or even “New product coming in hot!” There is no guide for what you can and can’t say, but keep your followers engaged with topics that add value to their lives or ask questions.

This is a relatively new feature, so if you don’t see Notes in your Instagram inbox, you might need to update your app or your phone’s operating software. Instagram might also still be rolling out the feature in certain areas so be sure to keep checking back for it. 

Marissa Noble, MFBS Intern


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